Fortuny Consulting allows you to accelerate your business growth and move away from old-fashioned business concepts to innovative growth strategies that work

Last week we kicked-off the series of on building a strong support system, being absolutely vital for any individual, mainly for the business leaders and entrepreneurs out there, in order to succeed.

Everything starts with the state of your mind. Your mind, which is shaped by the years of conditioning, past experiences and family/cultural influences, which did impact your belief system, biases and fears. And as you might have heard before: Change always starts from within!

That is why the core pillar of such strong Support System is forming a MINDSET of winners: Shifting to and nurturing the right mindset allowing you to have the control over your life. A mindset, supporting you in continuous learning and personal and professional growth. A mindset, helping you to see the bigger picture, eliminating unconscious bias out of the way.

So what are the key powerful mindsets every business leader and entrepreneur should master?

  • I am in control of my life: Life doesn’t just happen to me. I live the life I create and desire.
  • I deserve to win & be successful: I am enough.  I deserve to experience success, make money and grow rich (whatever success and richness mean for me).
  • I am committed to my business: I am committed and choose necessary (temporary) trade-offs in order to succeed.
  • I think & aim big: I have big visions, goals and targets, and I will achieve them.
  • I focus on opportunities: I don’t complain. I learn from challenges, overcome them and move on to solutions.
  • I am courageous & brave: I act in spite of fear. I am ready to take action.  When I get the feeling of fear in my stomach I know something great is about to happen.
  • I can achieve whatever I desire: I can be, do & have anything I desire and aim for.
  • I am open to learn, grow & develop: I desire continuous personal and professional growth, comparing myself only to the person I have been yesterday.

There are many books and frameworks going deeper on the topic of mindset, but my personal two favorites are:


The author of Conscious Business Fred Kofman describes in great detail the two powerful mindset shifts which can truly change your life.

  • 1st being the shift from being a Victim to being a Player: Shifting from blaming others or our situation to taking responsibility and action. Rather than being stuck and discouraged, a Player takes the response-ability back and knows there is always something he/she could do or can do.
  • 2nd being the shift from being a Knower to being a Learner: Shifting from being the “know it all”, treating our views or opinions as facts to a mindset of curiosity, aimed at understanding other perspectives, acknowledging mistakes and showing humility.


Author of Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential, Carol Dweck, explores in detail the power of switching from the Fixed to the Growth mindset and the power of believing that you can improve, also shared in her powerful Ted talk.

A nice comparison of the Growth and Fixed mindset can be seen in the image below:

Image credit:


Which mindset have you chosen to have and nurture?

Get the foundation of achieving sustainable success right and start creating a winning support system.